
Quinones Design/Build: Green Roofing Solutions

Features and Benefits of a Quinones Design/Build Installed Solar Reflective Roof Coating

  • Reduce roof surface temperatures: 55 – 75 F*, Reducing energy costs
  • Prolonged Service Life of underlying roofing system
  • Eliminates costly roof tear-off: Reduces Maintenance & Landfills
  • Reduces energy consumption of roof top A/C units, due to lowering of attic space and rooftop temperature
  • Minimized effects associated with Thermal Shock: Cool rain hitting a hot roof
  • Reduced Urban Heat-Island Effect: Decreasing Cooling Demands and Pollutants
  • Savings in cost over traditional tear-off and re-roof

* Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Florida Solar Energy Center