Number 6 on US News & World Report's 2010 "10 Cities for Real Estate Steals."According to the magazine, the housing market in Las Cruces, N.M., has become increasingly undervalued in recent years when compared with historical averages. Growing affordability is one reason for the increase in home sales in the area.
Number 19 on Sunset Magazines "20 Best Towns of the Future."Las Cruces made the list thanks to its proximity to Spaceport America
One of AARP's 2010 "Best Places to Retire"Previously selected by AARP Magazine as one of America's "Dream Towns" for seniors, Las Cruces is set at the foot of the Organ Mountains and enjoys a relatively mild climate and picturesque landscape. Although it is New Mexico's second most populous city, residents describe the small-town feel, relaxed pace and affordable prices.
One of Kaboom.org’s most “Playful City USA” - 2009
Playful City USA is a national recognition program honoring cities and towns across the nation committed to taking action for play.
One of Inc. Magazine’s 2007 BoomtownsLas Cruces was ranked 15 out of 400 US deemed boomtowns. The ranking is based on job growth and the strength of the local economy.
One of AARP’s 2006 “Dream Towns” to retireLas Cruces topped AARP’s first list of great places to retire based on factors such as: the cheapest states to live in as a retiree (based on income, property, and sales taxes), weather, recreational opportunities and livability (access to health care and transportation).
One of the Best College Towns to Retire - Money Magazine November 2005For the second time in four years, Las Cruces made one of Money’s lists of best places to retire; this time as a college town. The article cited several factors, including Las Cruces’ great weather, amazing views, cultural scene and low cost of living.
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Top 50 Motorcoach Destinations in the United States - American Bus Association, 2004 & 2005Motorcoach charter and tour operators were given a list of cities and asked to rank them according to where they think they will be traveling to or through in 2005.
Top 10 Cities for Hispanics to Live - Hispanic Magazine, 2002 & 2003The Las Cruces/El Paso area was ranked the fifth best city for Hispanics to live. The ranking was based on the percentage of Hispanics in the city, political representation, whether you can speak Spanish without feeling like a foreigner, and the vibrancy and “hipness” of the Latin cultural scene.
Best Small Metro Area for Business and Careers - Forbes/Milken Institute, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005Las Cruces has ranked in the top 5 for the last several years on Forbes’ list of “Best Small Metro Area for Business and Careers,” including a #1 ranking in 2002 and #2 ranking in 2005. The rankings were based on “job growth, earned income, and “a measure of activity in critical technologies that foster future growth.”
Best Place to Live - Family Digest, Fall 2002Las Cruces ranked the highest among 300 cities/destinations evaluated in a number of areas determined to be important to families, including: crime rate, housing costs, income, pre-college education productivity, family friendliness, weather and affordability.
One of the Best Places to Retire - Money Magazine, June 2002The article cited several factors, including Las Cruces’ great weather, amazing views, cultural scene, low cost of living and the country’s best Mexican food and, according to the article, possibly the hottest chile in the U.S.A. The article indicated Las Cruces’ warm climate and mild winters were perfect for year-round activities such as tennis, hiking, golf and visiting attractions like the dunes of nearby White Sands National Monument.
Top Destination - Facilities & Destinations Magazine, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007 & 2009Las Cruces was among 75 cities in the United States selected by the magazine’s readers to receive the annual award recognizing cities for their ability to accommodate groups and conventions.
One of America’s Top 100 Retirement Towns - Where to Retire Magazine, Fall 2001Las Cruces received praise for its diverse culture, high desert climate, low cost of living, open spaces, and year-round outdoor activities. It was also one of the few towns selected that ranked below the national cost of living average, and had an average new home price under $100,000. Each city considered was assessed on a variety of categories ranging from the availability of medical care, recreational activities, continuing education, and airports, to shopping, dining, cultural and social organizations.